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Listening to voice messages
Download the voice attachment to play the voice message.
Your listening options will depend on your personal computer hardware and software configurations.
Reading fax messages
To open a fax message, click it. The fax pages will be attached to the message.
If you have set your preferences to receive each page as a separate file (PCX), there will be one attachment per page.
If you have set your preferences to receive the entire fax as one file (DCX), there will be one attachment.
To view a fax page, download the attachment.
Working with unread messages
Turning unread flags off and on
When a message is unread, a red flag is displayed beside it. You will also see a red flag beside a conference that contains unread messages.
After you open an unread message, the red flag beside the message disappears. If you want this message to attract your attention again, you can put the flag back. To do this, click the space where the flag should be. To remove this flag again, click the flag.
Dealing with Called, No message notifications
If someone phones but doesn’t leave a message, you will see a Called, No message notification listing the caller's phone number and location.
If you do not want to receive these notifications for all of some callers, change your voice messaging preferences.
Dealing with junk mail
FirstClass can block certain types of mail automatically on the assumption that it is unsolicited (junk) mail. You can decide whether to accept or reject this mail. For details on what FirstClass considers junk, contact your administrator.
Your administrator may have defined other types of mail as junk, such as mail coming from a particular address. You will not see this mail.
To specify how you want to handle the mail that FirstClass considers junk, choose the option you want at "Junk mail handling" in your mail rules preferences.