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You can send a message reply to:
• the message sender plus all other recipients of the message
• just the sender
• just the conference that contains the message, if the message is in a conference.
If you simply reply to a message without specifying recipients, the reply is sent to your default reply recipients, or, in the case of a message in a conference, to the conference's default reply recipients. You can only send the reply to other recipients by updating the reply envelope.
A message reply is given a subject of "Re:" plus the subject of the original message. The original message is quoted, prefaced by the name of the original sender.
To reply to a message:
1 Open the message by clicking it.
2 Click Reply.
3 Type your reply in the message body.
4 Click Send.
Replying to voice messages
You can reply to any voice message from a FirstClass Unified Communications user who called from an identified FirstClass Unified Communications number.
If you want to include the original message with the reply, forward the message instead of replying to it, and add your comments to the forwarded message.