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About folders
You can create folders to store and organize your messages and documents. These folders work like the ones you are used to in your operating system.
You can nest folders within containers.
Creating folders
To create a folder:
1 Open your Mailbox, or a container where you have permission to create folders.
2 Click New Folder.
3 Type the folder name.
Moving messages into folders
You cannot address messages directly to folders. The only way to get messages into folders is to move them there.
To move messages into a folder:
1 Select the message(s) to move.
2 Choose the destination folder from the "Move items to" dropdown list box.
3 Click Move.
The default expiry date for messages in a folder is determined by the default set for the conference within which the folder is located; therefore, moving a message into a different folder may change its default expiry date.