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Home • .OnlineHelp • en • M0 7100 • Form • W22
Use this form to create a rule for handling mail that you send. This rule only affects the copies of the sent mail that are left in your Mailbox (local copies).
The name of the rule.
Makes this rule run each time you send mail.
The condition that sent mail must meet before this rule will handle it in the way you specify at "Then". Depending on your choice at the first field, additional fields may be displayed. Complete all displayed fields to build your condition. If you type a name that is in the Directory, click Validate. You can type a partial name just as you can when addressing a message.
The value Always means this rule will apply to every piece of mail that you send.
The action to take when the sent mail meets the condition you specified at "If". Depending on your choice at the first field, additional fields may be displayed. Complete all displayed fields to build your action.
You can only file local copies in subcontainers that are within your Mailbox. If you choose Set icon, you must type the icon's ID number.
If The subject contains budget
Then File local copy in Budgets
This rule will move local copies of sent mail containing the word "budget" in the subject to a subfolder called Budgets.