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FirstClass Error Messages Reference

Copyright  2002 by Centrinity Inc.
Centrinity Inc.
905-762-6000 or 1-800-763-8272
You must accept the FirstClass License Agreement before you can use this product. If you do not accept the terms of the License Agreement, do not install the software and return the entire package within 30 days to the place from which you obtained it for a full refund. No refunds will be given for returned products that have missing components.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Certain features and products described in this document may not be currently available in all geographic regions. Distribution or reproduction of this document in whole or in part must be in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement.
All rights reserved. FirstClass is a registered trademark of a Centrinity Inc. subsidiary used under license. Centrinity, the Centrinity logo, and the FirstClass logo are trademarks of Centrinity Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
This edition applies to Release 7 of FirstClass and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This document is bound by international copyright law and the FirstClass Software License Agreement and Limited Warranty included with every FirstClass product.
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Toll free in North America:  1-800-346-9108
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This book explains the error messages you may encounter while using FirstClass, as an administrator or as a user. It includes error messages for each of the components of FirstClass.
The messages are listed sequentially for easier reference. Some error messages may have been omitted if the user will never encounter them. Unless otherwise specified, these errors are all server messages.
Who should read this book
This book is intended for FirstClass administrators responsible for installing and maintaining a FirstClass server, Internet Services or additional FirstClass components on either the Mac® OS or Windows® platform (as applicable).
For detailed explanations about basic concepts and functionality, see FirstClass Administrator’s Guide, the online help, or other component-related materials.
What you should already know
As the installer, you must be familiar with the capabilities and terminology for your:
•       FirstClass software (including server, client, and additional components)
•       Mac OS or Windows operating system
•       network protocols
•       expansion cards
•       peripherals such as modem, CD-ROM, printer, hard drive, tape drive and diskette drive.
For Voice Services, you must have the technical knowledge to understand the computer and telephony hardware requirements and configurations as described in the third party installation manuals, the Switch Provisioning Booklet and the Voice Services section of FirstClass Administrator's Guide.

Error messages
FirstClass server error messages are divided into categories, based on the error message number. In some cases there are two versions of the same message—one for the client, and one for the server. Unless otherwise specified, all messages are generated as server messages.
1000 range error messages
The FirstClass server errors in the 1000 range describe client and server general errors.
Client message: Your version of the FirstClass software is incompatible with the server. Please obtain an updated version.
Server message: Server/Client version mismatch.
The user is running an incompatible version of the FirstClass client software. Give the user the current version.
Client message: Your request cannot be completed because there is not enough memory available on this machine. Please close some of your windows and try again.
Server message: Server out of memory.
The current machine is low on memory. On a Mac OS server, you may want to increase the minimum and preferred RAM associated with the server application. See required and recommended configurations in FirstClass Administrator’s Guide. On a PC, close any additional applications that may be running.
Client message: The user ID or password is not valid. Check that you have entered your userID and password correctly.
Server message: No such user.
When reported by a FirstClass client, either the password entered is incorrect or the user ID is not valid and auto-registration is not enabled on the server. Enter your user ID and password correctly and try again.
Client message: There is a problem with the communication link. Please quit and log in again.
Server message: Null packet.
Communication with the client has failed. When using a modem, make sure carrier detection is configured on the FirstClass server. Check for hardware problems, and make sure the modem is configured correctly. For more information on configuring your modem, see the sessions information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: That object no longer exists.
Server message: Invalid ObjID.
This error may occur if you try to forward or reply to a message that has been moved or deleted by another user session. Reopen the conference and try again.
This error may also occur if an item has been unsent or deleted from a folder, but the view of the folder has not yet been updated to show the change.
Client message: Sorry, that document is damaged and cannot be accessed.
Server message: Document damaged.
The envelope section of a message is damaged. Delete the damaged document (if possible) or try shutting down and restarting the server.
Client message: Sorry, that document is damaged and cannot be accessed.
Server message: Server object is damaged.
The body section of a message is damaged. Delete the damaged document (if possible) or try shutting down and restarting the server.
Client message: That object is read-only.
Server message: Object cannot be written to.
Users have tried to modify a read-only document, such as a help document or an item in an external folder.
Client message: You are not logged in to the FirstClass server. Please choose Connect in the Connection Menu and log in.
Server message: Not logged in.
You tried to open or edit a window after being disconnected from the server. Reconnect to the server and try again.
Client message: That feature is not yet implemented. Check that you have the latest version of the FirstClass software.
Server message: Bad or invalid request.
The server is running a version of the FirstClass software that is older than the client software. Either run an older version of the FirstClass client software when connecting to that server, or upgrade the server.
Client message: The communication link has failed. Your requests can no longer be transmitted to the server. Please Quit and log in again.
Server message: No Transmit buffers available.
The FirstClass client is trying to communicate with a server to which it is not connected. Disconnect and try to reconnect to the server. If this problem persists, contact Centrinity Customer Support.
Client message: You are already logged in.
Server message: Already logged in.
This error may occur if the login limit for the user logging in is set too low. To resolve this, change the login limit per user in the System Profile to a higher value.
This error may also occur after a communication link failure, if the server has not yet detected the failure of the link. Wait a few moments and try again. If the login attempt fails again, reset the server modems. If you see this error on the server, make sure hardware carrier detection is enabled.
Client message: You cannot perform that function on the selected object(s).
Server message: Unknown object type.
You tried to perform an invalid function on an object (for example, you tried to make an external file unread).
Client message: Your request cannot be completed because you do not have any objects open.
Server message: No current object.
You tried to perform a function such as paste, without opening a message on your Desktop. Open the item and try again.
Client message: An error has occurred on the FirstClass server. Please contact your administrator and report the problem.
Server message: Incorrect SM parameters.
A document has become damaged. Delete the damaged document.
Client message: That feature is not yet implemented. Check that you have the latest version of the FirstClass software.
Server message: Not implemented.
The server is running a version of the FirstClass software that is older than the client software. Either run an older version of the FirstClass client software when connecting to that server, or upgrade the server.
Client message: Your request cannot be completed because you have reached a server limit.
Server message: Server Resource Limit exceeded.
This error can occur when logging in as a Remote user, if all the sessions on the server are in use and there are none for you to connect to. Upgrade the number of sessions, or wait for one to become available, or login as a Regular user.
If you receive this message when trying to establish a network session, configure additional network sessions. If you receive this message when trying to add users or remote sessions, purchase additional licenses. This error may also occur when you have defined the maximum number of gateways or user groups. To add more, allocate more memory to the server. Check the server message log for a corresponding error.
Client message: An error has occurred on the FirstClass server. Please contact your administrator and report the problem.
Server message: Internal server error.
An error has occurred on the server that prevents this operation from succeeding. Check the server message log for a more specific error report.
This error may also occur during a manual synchronization if you have defined a gateway incorrectly. Check to see if the problem is resolved during the next synchronization.
Client message: An error has occurred on the FirstClass server. Please contact your administrator and report the problem.
Server message: Outside file boundary.
You tried to change a damaged file. Delete the damaged document.
Client message: You cannot access that object because someone else already has exclusive access to it.
Server message: Access conflict.
You tried to open or download a file (such as a log file, or a file in an external folder) already opened by another application. Try to open or download the file later.
Server message: Object not empty.
You tried to use Batch Admin to modify the item size of a conference or folder that is not empty.
Client message: Cannot insert a name here.
Server message: Cannot insert a name at this point.
A user tried to insert a user name in a field which cannot accept a Directory name.
Client message: Your message cannot be delivered at this time because the server is busy. Please try again later.
Server message: Server queue full.
The message queue is full. Try to send the message later.
Client message: That message has already been sent. To resend it use the Forward command.
Server message: File sent already.
The selected message has already been sent. You can only send a message once. If you want to resend the message, unsend it, and send it again. Or, you can forward the message. This could also happen if the client confuses the state of a message. To correct this, close and reopen the message.
Client message: The communication link has failed. Your requests can no longer be transmitted to the server. Please Quit and log in again.
Server message: Comm Link has failed.
The connection was lost. Check your network or modem setup, and try again later. For more information on configuring modems, see the session information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: The name you have chosen is illegal, contains invalid characters or is blank.
Server message: Bad person name.
You typed invalid characters in a user name, or it is too long, or you left the last name blank. Be sure to include a last name, and try retyping the name, or choosing a simple name. It can also be reported if an Internet alias contains one or more spaces.
Client message: Sorry, only the administrator can perform that function.
Server message: User not administrator.
This error may occur if you try to perform an administration function when you are not logged in as the administrator or as a subadministrator. Log off and then log in again as the administrator or as a subadministrator.
This error may also occur if the client is running a version of the FirstClass software that is older than the server software. Upgrade the client software.
Client message: Sorry, you are not permitted to perform that function.
Server message: Access denied.
You can restrict the functions to which users have access. If a user needs to perform this function, change the user’s privileges.
This error may also occur if the client is running a version of the FirstClass software that is older than the server software. Upgrade the client software.
Client message: That userID is already registered. Please choose another userID.
Server message: User already registered.
User IDs must be unique on this system. Choose a different user ID.
Client message: You cannot make an alias to the selected object.
Server message: Cannot subscribe: not a conference.
You tried to make an alias of an object that is not a folder or conference. Select a folder or conference and try again.
Client message: That name is already taken. Please choose a different name.
Server message: Conference name not unique.
You tried to name a new conference using a name that is already in use on the server. Select a different name for the conference.
Client message: There is no response from the modem.
Check that your modem is switched on and connected to the telephone line. Also, check the modem type, the hardware handshaking settings and cable, and the auto speed setting. The modem may need to be reset. Try turning it off, and then back on.
Server message: No response from modem.
This error occurs if FirstClass did not receive an OK response from the modem after sending a command. The most common cause for this error is a communication failure between the modem and the client (for example, if the cable is defective or if the client is sending commands faster than the modem can receive them).
This error may also occur if Hardware Handshaking is selected, but your modem cable does not support hardware handshaking. Check your setup and try again. For more information on modems, see the online help, as well as the sessions information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: Invalid user name or password.
Server message: Invalid password.
This error is only displayed at the server, and only if you try to log in with the incorrect password for a valid user ID. Enter your user ID and password correctly and try again. For security reasons, this error code is never returned to a client. Instead 1003 is presented.
Client message: Sorry, you can only reply to a message.
Server message: Can’t Reply.
You tried to reply to something other than a message. Reply is a messaging operation and is only supported for addressable message objects.
Client message: The conference is full. Please delete some items.
Server message: Maximum number of conference items reached.
The conference contains the maximum number of items supported by FirstClass. Delete some items or move them elsewhere.
Client message: The User Directory is locked. If problem persists, restart the FirstClass server.
Server message: OD Lock Timeout.
The FirstClass Directory stores information about every user, conference, and route registered on the server. This error occurs if it is currently locked by another application or user. Make sure another program such as a backup utility or file sharing has not locked the folder. If the problem persists, try restarting the server.
Client message: A file system error has occurred on the FirstClass server. Please report the problem to your system administrator.
Server message: File system error.
This error occurs if a file operation on the server fails for any reason other than the most common (for example, something other than "file not found", and so on). In this case, the server will report a more specific reason for the failure in the server message. If the error persists, one option is to delete the file that caused the error message to appear. Administrators should check the server console or log files for additional information.
Client message: Sorry, you can only forward messages.
Server message: Can’t forward.
This error is very similar to 1036. Forward is only supported for message objects. You cannot forward text documents or items in external folders.
Client message: Sorry, this message may not be sent until it has been properly addressed.
Server message: Not addressed.
You tried to send a message without a valid address in either the To or Cc field, or you did not press Tab, Return, or Enter, after typing the name. Enter a valid address in these fields and press Tab or Return or Enter after typing the name. If the problem persists, look for a recipient entry that is missing an icon to the left of its name, then click on that entry and press Tab to validate the name. If the problem continues to persist, repeat this for every recipient name, or remove all recipient names and retype them.
Client message: Sorry, your command could not be completed because the server has run out of disk space. Please contact your administrator and report the problem.
Server message: Server write-protected.
When the number of files or the amount of disk space used on a disk volume reaches the limits specified in the System Profile, the server protects the volume. (By doing so, it prevents the file damage that could occur if the volume ran completely out of disk space.) The server no longer accepts messages submitted by users on the protected volume. If this error occurs, ask users on that volume to delete any unneeded messages and documents. Then force a trash collection to recover space on the server.
Client message: Sorry, a résumé does not exist for this user.
Server message: No résumé.
You tried to open a résumé for a user or conference that does not have one.
Client message: Sorry, there is no FirstClass server with that name on the network. Check your connection setup.
Server message: Server not found.
The FirstClass server is not currently running. Wait a few minutes and try again.
This error may also occur if a settings file or Gateway Configuration form has been incorrectly configured. Make sure the server name specified in the settings file or Gateway Configuration form is correct. For AppleTalk® connections, make sure the zone is correct. For TCP/IP, make sure the correct port is selected.
Also, this may be a result of having modified the INETSVCS.FC with a client that may have its TCP/IP/FCP configured to use a different TCP/IP port than 510, which should be used by Internet Services. To correct this, copy the FirstClass client executable to the FCServer folder (just the application — not the whole client folder) and start it up from there. Choose to connect with the INETSVCS.FC and go to the advanced settings to make sure that the TCP/IP port is on 510. Close and save the settings file. This ensures that the TCP/IP/FCP file in the FirstClass Server\FCP folder is configured to use the correct port.
Also, the user may be trying to run both the FirstClass client and FirstClass Personal, and there is not enough memory to run both.
Client message: Duplicate server name.
Server message: Duplicate server name.
AppleTalk or IPX is installed and you tried to start a FirstClass server that has the same name as one already running on your network. Use the FirstClass Tools application to change the name of your server to something unique for the network. The network name can also be changed in the System Profile form, but a server restart is required to register the new name on the network. For more information, see the information about changing the server name in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: Sorry, cannot add a user with that class.
Server message: Bad user class.
You tried to change the object class to an incompatible type (for example, you tried to change the class of a conference to Regular). Select a valid class.
This error may also occur if you have used all your user licenses for that class. To increase the license limits, purchase and install more user licenses.
Client message: That object could not be opened because the original has been deleted.
Server message: File has been deleted.
You tried to open the alias of an object that has been deleted. That item is no longer available, since the owner has deleted the original. Delete the alias from the user’s Desktop.
Client message: Your daily time limit has been used up. You must wait until tomorrow before logging in again.
Server message: Daily time limit exceeded.
You can increase the default daily time limit in the System Profile and the daily time limit for user groups or individual users. See "Daily connection limit" in the chapter about group and user privileges in FirstClass Administrator’s Guide.

Client message: Sorry, the user Directory may be inconsistent. Please contact your administrator and report the problem.
Server message: User Directory contains inconsistent data.
The server has detected problems in the FirstClass Directory. Shut down the server, open FirstClass Tools, and choose Diagnostics > Diagnose Directory Items. FirstClass includes detailed diagnostics support for a full consistency review of the entire directory, or a single directory entry. Many directory problems can be resolved by then selecting File > Rebuild User Directory. If the directory diagnostics did not report errors in the client ID index, rebuild the directory with no options checked. Alternatively, if the client ID index indicates errors, the user ID index can be used to rebuild the other two (client ID and name) indices by selecting Use Alternate Index. For more information, see the information about rebuilding the Directory in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: Sorry, that user has already logged off.
Server message: User has logged off
You tried to invite a user to a chat after the user logged off. Contact the user by email.
Client message: Sorry, that user is running an old user interface.
Server message: User’s application lacks feature
You invited a user to chat, but that user’s version of the FirstClass client is old and does not support the chat feature or chat extension selected. Advise the user (by email) to obtain the latest version of the client software.
Client message: Sorry, you cannot connect to the server at this time because connections have been disabled. Please try again later.
Server message: Logins are disabled
Users tried to log in while you have access to the server disabled, most likely to take the server down for maintenance. Restart the server, or edit the System Profile. See the System Profile information in FirstClass Administrator’s Guide.
This error can also be reported to FirstClass protocol modules (such as Internet Services and Voice Services) when the mailboxes for those modules are being audited by the server. They will automatically retry their connection later.
Client message: Modem returned an error. Check that you have selected the correct modem type.
Server message: Modem returned "ERROR".
Users have selected the wrong modem type for their modem. Instruct them to check their modem setup and the phone number defined in the settings file. Be sure the phone number includes any prefixes such as 9 or 1, as well as any necessary area codes. For more information on modems, see the sessions information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: The Communications Toolbox has not been installed.
Server message: Communication Toolbox has not been installed.
This error is specific to the Mac OS, and occurs if you try to use the Communications Toolbox without installing it. Either remove Comm Toolbox session or install the Communications Toolbox.
Client message: The Communications tool is missing or incorrectly configured.
Server message: Communications tool missing or incorrectly configured.
This error is specific to the Mac OS, and occurs if you try to use a Communications Toolbox that has been incorrectly installed or configured. Either remove the Communications Toolbox session or configure the tool correctly.
Client message: Serial port is in use by another application, driver or the operating system. Please check the selected port.
Server message: Serial port in use by another application.
Another application (such as a terminal program or fax software) is using a serial port configured for a modem session on the FirstClass server. Reconfigure the application to use another port, and restart the computer. On Mac OS computers running System 7 or later, you can disable other software by rebooting while pressing Shift.
Client message: The selected serial port is not available.
Server message: Serial port hardware not installed.
If your system is configured to use a serial expansion card, make sure the card is installed. Make sure your modem connection is configured correctly, and restart the computer. For more information, see the sessions information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: Sorry, that person would prefer not to chat at this time.
You sent a chat invitation to a user who has selected not to accept chat invitations in his or her Preferences form, or who does not have the chat privilege. Send the user an email message instead.
Client message: Sorry, there is no conference with that name.
Server message: Conference does not exist.
A conference was deleted while a user was addressing mail to it. That conference is no longer available. Try sending the message to a different address.
Client message: The modem has lost the carrier. This may have been caused by a poor telephone connection or you may have enabled carrier detection without the appropriate cable. Please connect again.
Server message: Modem has dropped the connection.
FirstClass has detected that the "other side" of the modem connection has dropped the line. Make sure the modem cable or modem supports carrier detection.
If carrier detection is enabled, but the user’s machine, cable, or modem does not support carrier detection, these errors may occur randomly.
Client message: End of thread.
Server message: End of thread.
You have reached the end of a particular message thread. Usually this message appears in the FirstClass server only—the FirstClass client software beeps to indicate the end of a thread.
Client message: Servers cannot connect. Duplicate site IDs.
Server message: Servers have duplicate serial numbers.
Two servers with the same serial number are attempting to connect. Only one license may be applied to a single FirstClass server installation, so install the proper licenses in the servers so that each server has a unique set of licenses. Contact Centrinity to purchase additional licenses if needed.
Client message: Cannot continue transfer.
Server message: Not a partial file.
You tried to resume a file transfer for a file that has been fully received. If the file has not been fully received, try again to resume the transfer, or delete the file and try again. For more information on file transfers, see the online help.
Client message: Sorry, that is an incomplete file.
Server message: Partial file.
You tried to download a file that has only been partially uploaded. Contact the contributor of the file, and ask him or her to send it again.
Client message: Sorry, you cannot edit a document before it has been completely received.
Server message: Cannot edit until fully open.
You tried to work on a form before it fully appeared on the screen. Wait for the form to fill completely before clicking in any field.
Client message: The database extension which handles this query form is not available on the server.
Server message: Database extension missing.
You tried to open a form that refers to a database extension not installed on this server. Add the extension to the Server folder and restart the server.
This error can also be presented on Windows machines, if the server’s exception handler detects three failures of a database extension. After three failures, the database extension is automatically disabled until the server is restarted.
Client message: The object you have accessed is on a disk which is not currently available to the server.
Server message: Volume not available.
This error may occur if a user tries to access information on a volume previously, but no longer, available. Make sure all volumes are mounted on the computer.
This error may also occur if a user tries to open an alias to an external folder that has been deleted.
Client message: You cannot move that object between disks.
Server message: Cannot move across volumes.
You tried to move a conference, file, or message from one disk volume to another. Either copy the object to a new volume, or recreate the object on the new volume. Then delete the original object.
Client message: There is a problem with your connection setup.
The connection method may not exist on this platform, or there may be a problem with the configuration. Check the Connection Setup.
Server message: Connection not configured properly.
This indicates a network configuration error. Examine your connection settings closely. Verify that the network protocol is installed correctly, and that your configuration options are appropriate.
Server message: Server does not have that interface option.
There is a compatibility issue in your FirstClass software versions. For example, you may be attempting to run FirstClass Voice Services 5.5 and FirstClass Server 7.0. Make sure all of your FirstClass software versions are updated to the latest release.
Client message: Could not find the IPX driver.
Server message: Could not locate IPX.
The IPX network drivers could not be found, or there was an error initializing the IPX protocol. Make sure IPX is configured and running on the computer.
Client message: Could not open a network socket.
Server message: Could not open a socket.
This indicates a network configuration error. Examine your connection closely. Verify that the network protocol is installed correctly. For example, try to connect using IPX or AppleTalk when that protocol has not been installed.
Client message: Your message could not be sent because it contains partially attached files. You must complete the upload of the attachments, or delete them, before sending the message.
Server message: Cannot send; has partial files.
You tried to send a message before all attachments were transferred to the server. Wait for the upload to finish before sending the message.
Client message: This message cannot be un-sent.
Server message: Can’t Unsend.
You tried to unsend a message that has not yet been sent. Only outgoing messages that have been sent can be unsent.
Client message: Autoforward loop detected.
Server message: Autoforward loop detected.
You created an autoforward loop. (Such a loop would occur if Sue sets up her account to autoforward mail to Jim, who autoforwards to Bill, who autoforwards back to Sue.) The server detects the loop, breaks it, and reports the error. Turn off autoforwarding in the Preferences form of at least one of the affected users.
Client message: The name you have chosen already exists in the Directory. Please choose a different name.
Server message: Name already in use.
You tried to rename an object in the FirstClass Directory, and the new name has already been assigned to another object. FirstClass requires that all objects have unique names. Choose another name.
Client message: Item could not be found. It may have been deleted by another user.
Server message: Item not found.
FirstClass cannot find an item referred to in a client request or batch administration command. Usually, this occurs when the server or another user session modifies the list of items just as the client or batch admin processing gets to a request to access an item in that list. This is a timing window. For example, in a conference with four messages, a request is made to operate on the third message, just as the sender of the third message unsends the message.
Client message: You cannot perform that function until you have saved the settings for the first time.
Server message: Function not available until setup is complete.
You clicked a button on the Setup form for a new object before saving the object. For example, if you are adding a gateway, you must save the gateway before you can click the Directory button. This is because the directory entry for some FirstClass objects is not created until the new item is closed for the first time.
Client message: An error was encountered during the processing of the connection script. Please check that the script is correct.
Server message: Error processing FCP connection script.
An error or timeout occurred during the processing of a connection script file. This error may be the result of a syntax error, or a WAITFOR command with an insufficient delay. Turn on tracing of modem and script commands and check the commands logged in the FirstClass client software log. For more information on connection scripts, see the online help. To troubleshoot problems with modem sessions, see the sessions information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Client message: Warning: this object is currently being edited by another user. You have been granted read-only access.
Server message: Warning, the object you have opened is in use by another user.
You tried to open an item currently being edited by another user. You can view the form, but you can’t change it. If you need to change this form, close it and try again later.
Client message: Could not open a connection to MacTCP.
Check that MacTCP is in your Control Panels folder.
Server message: Could not load MacTCP.
The software is configured to use TCP/IP connections, but the operating system support for TCP/IP (MacTCP) has not been installed correctly.
MacTCP is supported by 68K Mac OS FirstClass clients only. The FirstClass Mac server supports only PowerPC, so MacTCP is no longer relevant.
Client message: Could not open a connection to Open Transport TCP. Check that the OpenTptInternetLib Shared Library is in your Extensions folder.
Server message: Could not load Open Transport TCP.
The software is configured to use TCP/IP connections, but the operating system support for Open Transport has not been installed correctly.
Server message: Could not load AppleTalk driver.
This error applies to Mac servers only, and occurs if AppleTalk is disabled on the computer. To ensure that AppleTalk is enabled, choose Chooser from the Apple menu, and make sure the AppleTalk Active option is selected.
Client message: Could not open an OpenTransport AppleTalk connection. Check that the OpenTptAppleTalkLib Shared Library is in your Extensions folder and AppleTalk is turned on.
Server message: Could not load OT AppleTalk driver.
This error occurs on PowerPC computers if the server is configured for AppleTalk, but Open Transport AppleTalk is not correctly installed. To ensure that AppleTalk is enabled, choose Chooser from the Apple menu, and make sure the AppleTalk Active option is selected.
Client message: You are not authorized to use FirstClass Personal on the server. Contact your administrator to enable this feature for your account.
Server message: Work offline not licensed.
The privilege for working offline is not enabled for this user, or a remote user has tried to work offline, but the Remote Personal Services license is not installed on the server. If you don’t want this user to be able to work offline, tell him or her that this option is not available. If you do want this user to be able to work offline, make sure the Offline Work privilege is turned on, or purchase and install Remote Personal Services license (only available for a short time).
Client message: Your request cannot be completed because you have reached your session memory limit. Please close some of your windows and try again.
Server message: Server session memory limit reached.
At startup time, the server calculates a reasonable upper limit for memory usage by a single user session. Gateways and the admin user are given a higher limit. The request cannot be completed because the user has exceeded this limit. Reduce user session memory use by closing FirstClass client windows, especially search results lists. This error is not related to actual memory available from the operating system, except indirectly, as the memory at startup affects the limit assigned to each session. The session limit is reported at startup, either in the "Standard memory usage:" or "Extra memory usage:" lines. It is also available in the Server Monitor’s "Users" tab. If the actual session limit is too low, reduce the number of sessions, or increase the memory available.
Client message: Your request cannot be completed because it would exceed your disk space quota. Please delete some files and try again.
The user’s disk space quota, set on a user group or the user information form, has been reached. If the user requires additional space, increase this limit.
Client message: Warning: You are currently over your disk space quota and have been granted read-only access. You must delete some files before you can edit this object.
The user’s disk space quota, set on a user group or the user information form, has been reached. If the user requires additional space, increase this limit. Otherwise, until files are deleted, the user will not be able to upload files or send messages.
Client message: The alias you have chosen already exists in the Directory. Please choose a different alias.
The user’s mail alias, entered on the user information form, is a duplicate of another alias on the system. Select a unique alias.
Client message: You cannot perform that function until you have read the message.
The user does not have the Read/Unread privilege and has attempted to move, copy or delete an unread message. Because that would bypass history, this message is issued.
Client message: No calendar found.
The user has attempted to open a calendar for another user who does not have a personal calendar.
Client message: That password was used recently. You must use a different password.
A user may have attempted to reuse a recent password, and the password restrictions in their group hierarchy prevents recent passwords.
Client message: Password must contain a combination of numbers, letters, or punctuation.
Password restrictions limit a user group to letters and numbers. In that case, the password must contain at least one character from two of the three character categories: numbers, letters, and punctuation.
Client message: Password is too short. Please choose a longer password.
Password restrictions specify a minimum password length. Choose a longer password.
Client message: Your request cannot be completed because there is not enough memory available on the server. Please close some of your windows and try again.
The FirstClass server is low on memory. For minimum and recommended configurations, see FirstClass Administrator's Guide.
Client message: This file you have requested cannot be transferred because it is on the server's restricted list.
A user has attempted to download a file which is listed in the server's attachment restriction list.
1200 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 1200 range describe connection problems.
Client message: Sorry, FirstClass has run out of memory.
Either close other applications or increase the amount of memory available.
Client message: The FCP files or folder is missing.
The FirstClass client software was not properly installed. Reinstall the software.
Client message: The Modem files or folder is missing.
The FirstClass client software was not properly installed. Reinstall the software.
Client message: FCP file configured incorrectly.
The FirstClass client software was not properly installed. Reinstall the software.
Client message: Warning: a timeout error has occurred.
The last request sent to the server was lost. If the application does not function normally, disconnect and then reconnect.
Client message: There is no response from the server modem. Check that the phone number is correct and that you have selected the correct modem.
The connection to the FirstClass server has failed.
Client message: Host does not appear to be a FirstClass server. Check the phone number, the modem type, hardware handshake settings and cable, and auto speed setting.
There is no FirstClass server running on the machine at that address.
Client message: Warning! The connection’s request queue is out of sync. If the application does not behave as expected, disconnect and then reconnect.
This warning may appear on the FirstClass Internet Services console, and can be safely ignored.
Client message: You cannot place more than 64K of data into a form field.
This error may occur on FirstClass Server versions less than 5.533, as these earlier versions did not support more than 64K worth of data in forms fields. To solve it, upgrade the server.
1600 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 1600 range describe Mac OS Communications Toolbox error codes.
Server message: Rejected.
The connection attempt was rejected. Check the CTB Tool’s configuration and try again.
Server message: Failed. Connection attempt or listen failed.
There is an error in the configuration. Check the CTB Tool configuration and try again.
Server message: Connection timeout.
The Communications Toolbox timed out before the connection was made. This could happen on a modem or WAN connection if the timeout is not long enough, but is most likely caused by an incorrect configuration. Check the CTB Tool configuration and try again.
Server message: Not open. The connection was shut down by the tool.
FirstClass has detected that the link was shut down and the Communications Toolbox stopped the session. This failure is much like a carrier drop with a modem. Check the Communications Toolbox configuration and try again.
Server message: Not closed.
The Communications Toolbox was not able to close properly. This may be because it reported the link was dropped (1604) but the link was still connected, or the tool reported an error when you attempted to end the session. Check the Communications Toolbox configuration and try again.
Server message: No request pending.
The request queue is out of sync.
Server message: Not supported.
FirstClass tried to use the Communications Toolbox, but it reported that it does not support the features needed by FirstClass. This is most likely caused by the Communications Toolbox not supporting the Listen command—which means it cannot be used on the server.
Server message: No tools.
The Communications Toolbox code is installed on this Mac OS, but no Communications Toolbox Tools have been installed. Install the connection tools into the system to be used by FirstClass.
Server message: Request cancelled by user.
The user canceled a CommToolBox request.
Server message: Unknown error.
The CommToolBox has reported an unknown error.
2000 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 2000 range describe gateway error codes.
Server message: No FAX gateway has been installed.
For future use.
Server message: No gateway available.
For future use.
Server message: Cannot deliver to this user because user is not of a known class (Regular, Remote).
A user tried to reply to a nondelivery notice (NDN) or to an object with a class not yet supported by FirstClass.
Server message: No Send access.
Delivery failed because the user does not have access to the conference or gateway.
Server message: Delivery was incomplete because the message had too many recipients.
The list of recipients, most likely in a public or personal mail list, is too long. Reduce the number of recipients and send the message again.
Server message: No Mailbox.
This error occurs on a multivolume system if the volume containing the recipient’s Mailbox has not been mounted, or if it has been restored incorrectly.

Server message: Lookup error: The recipient’s name could not be found in the Directory.
The FirstClass Directory might be damaged. Try rebuilding it. For more information, see the information about rebuilding the Directory in FirstClass Tools Reference.
Server message: No match: Name not found at remote site.
Warning only. The error code is not displayed. The server translates it to a text message.
Server message: Multi-Match: Recipient matched multiple names at remote site.
Warning only. The error code is not displayed. The server translates it to a text message.
Server message: Mail lists nested too deeply.
Mail lists can only be nested to a depth of 10.
Server message: Can’t unsend.
The error code is not displayed. The server translates it to a text message. You cannot unsend an unsent message.
Server message: Silent NDN.
Used internally only.
Server message: Message was rejected at delivery time because it was too large.
The message exceeds the size limit for the target Mailbox or conference.
Server message: Message rejected because it is too large.
You tried to send a message larger than the maximum size limit for the conference. Reduce the size of the message and send again. You can also change the size limit configured for the conference. For more information, see the information about limiting messages in the online help.
Server message: Mailbox or conference is full.
You tried to send a message to a Mailbox or conference that contains the maximum number of items permitted. Try to send the message later when some items have been deleted from the mailbox or conference. You can also reduce the conference expiry period, or configure the "Expire Old Messages When Number of Items Reaches" field. For more information, see the information about expiring old messages in the online help.
3000 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 3000 range describe gateway toolkit errors, and some (like 3005 and 3006) can be used by third-party developers to indicate errors in the input messages.
Message: No memory.
A gateway cannot run because the server or gateway application has run out of memory.
Message: No reply.
The gateway client timed out while waiting for a reply packet from the server. This error occurs if the communications link fails or if the server is running very slowly. The gateway closes the connection and exits.
Message: Packet timeout.
The gateway client timed out while waiting for the server to send message or file data. This error occurs if the communications link fails or if the server is running very slowly. The gateway closes the connection and exits.
Message: Internal use.
Contact the supplier of your third-party gateway.
Message: Bad message.
The gateway was unable to translate the message into FirstClass format because the message is damaged. For example, if you are using a text gateway and you feed a graphics bitmap into it as a message, the text gateway would likely report this error. The built-in server-to-server gateways do not report this error.
Message: Incomplete message.
The message did not contain the minimum required information for translation into FirstClass format. For example, a message with no "To" field would cause this error.
4000 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 4000 range describe client error messages related to modem communications.
Message: Server busy.
All server modem lines are busy. The gateway will run later.
Message: No server answer.
The FirstClass server has not answered the call. Check the phone number in the gateway settings file, or the configuration. This error can occur as a result of a modem negotiation problem or a handshaking problem. Make sure hardware handshaking is configured correctly, and that the modem at the remote site uses communication standards compatible with those of your modem. If this is a Communications ToolBox connection, check that the tool is configured to allow 8-bit bidirectional data transfers.
Message: No dial tone.
The server cannot initiate a call because the modem cannot obtain a dial tone. Check the phone line and modem. This error can also occur if Call Answer is enabled on the phone line.
Message: Cannot connect.
The connection between the gateway and the server is set up incorrectly. Make sure the modem is working correctly and that the modem session has been correctly configured. To configure modem sessions, see the sessions information in FirstClass Tools Reference.
4100 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 4100 range describe file system errors.
Message: An error occurred while reading from the file.
An attempt to read a file has failed. This may indicate a network failure, a hardware failure, or a permissions problem.
Message: An error occurred while writing to the file. Disk full?
An attempt to write to a file has failed. This usually indicates that the volume is out of disk space. It may also indicate a read-only volume (such as a CD-ROM), a network permissions problem, or a hardware failure.
Message: Buffer overflow. Data exceeds the size limit.
A specified path or file name exceeds the length limit for that item. This indicates a system limit has been reached (for example, the file name may be too long) or a logic error in the program.
Message: File is not open.
This error indicates a failure to close a file because it is not open (file is already closed). This usually indicates a logic error in the server code. This may not be important, since a failure to close a closed file isn’t much of an error. However, if the server treats this as a significant error, and fails the operation that made the request, it could be a problem. Check for software updates, and retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact Centrinity Customer Support.

Message: File does not exist.
A user tried to access a file or folder that does not exist. This usually indicates that the object was manually deleted by the user, rather than by FirstClass, or that the file was damaged and removed by Trash Collection. Use FirstClass to delete the corresponding FirstClass link.
Message: A file with that name already exists.
A user tried to create a file or folder that already exists on that volume. If the volume in question is part of the FirstClass post office data, this error code would indicate a logic error in the FirstClass server. If the problem persists, contact Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: Attempt to read past end of file. The file may be damaged.
A user tried to access a file or folder beyond the end of its data limit. This may indicate an incomplete previous write operation (due to a crash or power failure, for example), a network error, or a hardware failure. Trash collection may repair the damaged file, or if it represents a user mailbox or conference (ENINFO file), sending a message to that recipient may correct the problem. In other cases, one of the few remaining options is to delete the damaged link.
Message: Out of memory error for file.
There is not enough system memory for FirstClass to complete a file system operation. If there are any operating system restrictions on FirstClass operation memory, such as the Macintosh program memory partition limits, increase or remove them. If the server is not running on a dedicated machine, reduce the number of programs running simultaneously, or move the other programs to a different computer. Otherwise, increase the amount of system memory on the server computer, or if this refers to a FirstClass server, the number of sessions configured.
Message: Cancelled.
The user cancelled a File Open or File Save dialog.
Message: That feature is not implemented.
A user tried to perform a file system operation that has not been implemented. This should never be displayed, and likely indicates a logic error in the program code. Check for software updates, and if the problem persists, contact Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: Cannot open file.
An attempt to open a file has failed. This may indicate a network permissions problem, or an access conflict with another application that also has the file open.
Message: Cannot create file.
An attempt to create a file or folder has failed. This usually indicates a network permissions problem, a read-only volume (such as a CD-ROM), or an access conflict with another application that also has the file open.
Message: General (I/O) error accessing file.
A file system error of some kind has occurred. It is used when little or no context information is available at the file system level. Check the server message logs, and examine the sequence of messages near this one to try to determine the cause.
Message: Resource fork not supported on file.
An attempt was made to access the resource fork of a file, under an operating system or file system which does not support it. Resource forks are a Mac OS-specific form of data and are only accessible on Mac OS platforms, and by 32-bit programs accessing NTFS volumes under Windows NT.
Message: File is already open.
Similar but inversely related to 4104, this error occurs if an attempt is made to open a file or folder that is already open. This usually indicates a logic error in the server code. Check for software updates, and retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: Operation spans multiple volumes.
A user tried to move a file or folder from one volume to another. Create the object on the destination volume, and then remove the original.
Message: Access denied.
An attempt to perform a file system operation on a file or folder has failed. This usually indicates a network permissions problem, a read-only volume (such as a CD-ROM), or an access conflict with another application that also has the file open. If the file persists, restart the server. If that does not help, restart the server machine.
Message: Invalid data. The file may be damaged.
One of the files maintained by the FirstClass server’s file system code contains data inconsistent with the normal format of that file. (This error normally refers to one of the .FID files under the FirstClass post office data.) This error typically occurs if the data has become damaged due to a program crash or power failure. Check for software updates, and contact Centrinity Customer Support or restore the entire FirstClass post office data from a backup.
Message: No such volume. Specified volume does not exist.
A user tried to reference a volume which is unmounted or unavailable. For example, this could be a reference to a CD-ROM which has been removed, or a network volume which is no longer available.
Message: Not a directory. Must refer to an existing folder.
A user tried to perform an operation which requires a folder, but the object doesn’t exist or is a file. This usually indicates a logic error in the server code. Check for software updates, and retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: Limit exceeded. Program or system limit reached.
An attempt to perform a file system operation failed because of a file system limit. Because the limit may have been a temporary one, or caused by peak usage, wait and then try to perform the operation again. Check the server message log for more detailed reports.
Message: That type of volume (drive) is not supported.
A user tried to perform a file system operation on an unsupported volume (for example, he or she tried to approve a floppy diskette drive for users and conferences).
Message: The volume is read-only.
A user tried to modify data or create aliases to a volume marked read-only. This may occur if a volume has gone offline or become unavailable (see error message 4119) or if a write, create, or open error has occurred (see error messages 4102, 4111, and 4112).
Message: System marked read-only—no changes allowed.
Like error message 4123, this error occurs if a user tries to modify data or create aliases to a volume marked read only. This error indicates a more serious problem, resulting in the entire FirstClass alias system becoming read only. This error message probably indicates a problem with the FirstClass server’s master volume.
Message: Program error, or invalid parameter.
This error indicates an internal FirstClass logic error. Retry the failed operation. If this fails to resolve the problem, restart the program and try the operation again.
Message: A network (file system) error has occurred.
An attempt to access information from a network volume has failed. The network volume in question may be offline or unavailable. Alternatively, the network software installed on the local machine may be incorrectly installed or failing, or the network volume may be incompatible with the system operations used by FirstClass. Make sure the network hardware is in place (secure the network cable) and restart the local machine. If the problem persists, consider reinstalling the network software or drivers, or contact the network administrator for further instructions.
Message: Cannot execute program.
An attempt to execute an external program has failed. Make sure the program exists and is installed correctly.
Message: Bad seek on file.
An attempt to position to a specific location within a data file has failed. Usually this indicates a file system failure, a damaged file, or a program error in FirstClass. Restart the machine, and retry the operation.
4700 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 4700 range describe problems related to resources (picture or sound files) in settings files.
Message: No memory left for operation.
There is not enough memory to open the settings file. Make more memory available by closing other open applications. If a user working on a Mac OS reports this problem, instruct him or her to quit FirstClass and give more memory to the application.
Message: The file is corrupt or is not a FirstClass settings document.
FirstClass cannot open the settings file. Try opening the FirstClass client software application first and then opening the settings file. If you made a backup of the settings file, try using it.
Message: Memory has become corrupt.
There is not enough memory to open the settings file. Make more memory available by closing other open applications. If a user working on a Mac OS reports this problem, instruct him or her to quit FirstClass and give more memory to the application. Also try restarting your computer.
Message: The resource is too large.
There is not enough memory to open the settings file. Make more memory available by closing other open applications. If a user working on a Mac OS reports this problem, instruct him or her to quit FirstClass and give more memory to the application. Also try restarting your computer.
Message: The resource could not be found.
FirstClass cannot find one of the resources required by the settings file. Determine which resource cannot be found. Using FirstClass Designer, check the settings file to make sure the resource is in the settings file, and is named and numbered correctly.
5000 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 5000 range describe problems related to FirstClass Tools.
Message: Bad FirstClass post office installation.
There has been a file system error accessing the FirstClass configuration files. FirstClass does not appear to have been properly installed on the current drive.
Message: Port limit exceeded.
You have reached the maximum number of ports that this server is licensed for. Check your configuration license or see your dealer for an upgrade pack.
Message: Another FirstClass Server, FirstClass Tools, or Installer application is currently running.
A FirstClass server or another install utility is already running. Shut down the server or exit from the other application.
Message: Some post office files are damaged.
FirstClass found damaged files in the post office.
Message: FCTools is too old for this post office format.
This older version of the FirstClass Install application is not compatible with the FirstClass post office files. Please use the latest version of the FirstClass Install application.
Message: Running tools on a personal post office.
You tried to run FirstClass Tools on a FirstClass Personal post office.
Message: Unknown error.
FirstClass Tools has reported an unknown error.
Message: Bad license disk.
You tried to license your server with an invalid FirstClass license diskette. To purchase license diskettes, contact your FirstClass reseller or Centrinity Inc.
Message: Trying to add a license that is already installed.
You have already used this upgrade diskette to upgrade the server. To purchase additional license diskettes, contact your FirstClass reseller or Centrinity Inc.
Message: Trying to remove a license that hasn't been installed.
You tried to remove a license that has not been installed on this server. You can only remove licenses that have been installed.
Message: Maximum number of licenses installed in one Tools session.
You tried to add too many licenses at one time. To upgrade more licenses, click OK on the License dialog. Then, choose Configure > Add License to display the License dialog again.
Message: FirstClass post office folder is damaged.
FirstClass found damaged files in the post office.
Message: License disk read error.
FirstClass cannot read the license diskette. The diskette may be damaged, or may not have been properly inserted into the drive. Also, the diskette drive may not be functioning properly. This can be tested by attempting to read a different diskette. If the problem is not with the diskette drive and you cannot resolve the problem by inserting the diskette correctly, contact Centrinity for a replacement diskette.
Message: Attempt to upgrade eval server.
You tried to upgrade an evaluation server. To purchase a FirstClass server, contact Centrinity Inc.
Tools message: You must apply the Server License prior to adding other license files.
Server message: Trying to add a license to a server with no serial number.
You have attempted to upgrade an unlicensed post office. License the post office before attempting to upgrade it.
Message: Delete of OldODir folder failed.
FirstClass could not delete the existing old user Directory. Try deleting it manually.
Message: Directory rebuild failed.
A file system error occurred while rebuilding the user Directory.
Message: OldODir folder could not be renamed.
FirstClass could not rename the old user Directory.
Message: OrgDir folder could not be renamed.
FirstClass could not rename the current user Directory.
Message: User break.
The user canceled the rebuild. FirstClass restores the original Directory.
6100 range error messages
The FirstClass errors in the 6100 range describe problems related to spell checking and message editing.
Message: Unable to complete spell checking due to file system error.
Close the document or message and reopen it.
Message: One of the lexicon files in the Tools folder has been damaged and will not be opened.
One of the dictionary files is damaged. Replace the damaged file with a backup copy.
Message: Unable to open lexicon file.
A dictionary file is set as read only, or it has been opened by another application. Make sure the dictionary file is not read only.
Message: Too many lexicon files in Tools folder; please remove any unnecessary lexicon files.
There are more than 14 dictionary files in the Tools folder, including the user dictionary. Remove some files from the Tools folder.
Message: The Tools folder does not exist.
The client has not been properly installed, or the Tools folder has been deleted. Reinstall the FirstClass client software, or restore the Tools folder from a backup.
Message: No lexicon files found in Tools folder.
There are no dictionary files in the Tools folder. Reinstall the FirstClass client software.
Message: The spell checker has run out of memory.
There is insufficient memory available to load the spell checker. Close some windows, or other applications, and try again.
Message: Unable to complete editing operation. Low on memory.
The client has run out of memory while attempting to perform an editing operation (typing, style change, and so on) The user may be able to regain memory by closing some windows.
Message: Unable to open document. Low on memory.
The client has run out of memory while attempting to open a document or message body. The user may be able to regain memory by closing some windows.
7000 range messages
Messages in the 7000 range are from Internet Services.
Message: A memory-related error has occurred.
Internet Services has insufficient memory. On Mac OS allocate a larger memory partition. On Windows add more memory to the machine.
Message: A NULL/0-length/overall bad argument was passed to a function.
Internal error.
Message: Primary domain name not found; verify that all information has been entered into the Internet setup form.
Message: Primary site name not found; verify that your FirstClass server has a site name entered in the System Profile on the FirstClass server.
Internet Services is not correctly configured. Configure Internet Services as described in Internet Services Administrator’s Guide.
7100 range error messages
This set of messages indicates connection problems between Internet Services and the Internet.
Message: The connection is closed.
Internet Services is communicating with another program, for example an SMTP connection, but the other program has dropped the connection unexpectedly.
Message: Receive command failed due to a lack of data.
Internet Services did not receive any data.
Message: This command timed out.
An attempted connection has timed out. If intermittent, this is probably the result of normal Internet problems. If continuous, it probably represents incorrectly installed or configured TCP software or a bad network card.
Message: Async connect in progress.
Internet Services has attempted to use a connection before it has been fully established. If this error is generated, the problem should be reported to Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: Unknown TCP error.
Internal error.
Message: Invalid connection.
If intermittent, this is probably the result of normal Internet problems. If continuous, it probably represents incorrectly installed or configured TCP software or a bad network card.
Message: Receive command failed due to a lack of data.
Internet Services did not receive any data.
Message: The buffer passed to a Send command not large enough to send this data.
The buffer overflowed because there wasn’t enough memory to send the message. If this error is generated, the problem should be reported to Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: The connection is closing. Send failed.
Internet Services is communicating with another program, for example, using an SMTP connection, but the other program has dropped the connection unexpectedly.
Message: Unknown command stream error.
Unknown error.
Message: Bad userID and/or password.
The user has entered an invalid User ID or password.
Message: Attempt to login before logging out.
The user has attempted to open another session before logging out of the current open session.
Message: The specified ObjID could not be found.
The selected conference could not be found.
Message: Named conference could not be found.
The specified conference could not be found.
Message: No more items in this conference.
The user has reached the end of the list.
Message: A conference action was requested when no conference was open.
The user must open the conference before attempting the selected action.
Message: Permission to access this resource was denied.
The user was not allowed to perform a function. For example, he may be trying to delete a protected object or accessing a conference for which he does not have the appropriate permissions.
Message: An invalid command was attempted against an item that is not in the cache.
If this error is generated, it should be reported to Centrinity Customer Support.
Message: End of next/prev in thread.
The user has reached the beginning or end of the thread.
Message: End of next/prev unread.
The user has reached the beginning or end of the thread.
Message: Attempt to Open/Delete/... an ObjType which is not a cicMessage.
Cannot perform the specified action on this object.
Message: A message action was requested when no message was open.
Open the message and then try to perform the action again.
Message: Unknown InetCli error.
An unknown error has occurred between the Internet Services and FirstClass server FCP link.
Message: Unknown MIME error.
Internal error.
Message: Unknown error.
Internal error.