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About links in content
Within the content of an object, you can add links to another FirstClass object, another location in the current object, or a web page. There are two types of links that you can add:
•       URL links
These links provide shortcuts to objects on your own server, to objects on other FirstClass servers, or to web pages. You type the URL for the object to which the link connects (the target object) directly in the content.
•       embedded links.
These links provide shortcuts to objects on your own or other FirstClass servers. You create these links using the Edit menu. You can make the link text anything you want, or even use embedded pictures as links, unlike URL links. You can also embed markers in content and link to those markers.
Creating URL links to web pages
To create a URL link to a web page, type the URL in the appropriate format.
For example, to link to Centrinity's web page, you would type
Creating URL links to servers
To include a URL link to a FirstClass object, such as a conference, in a message or document, type the link in the following format:
fcp://server name/object name
For example, to link to a Budgets conference on the HuskyPlanes server, you would type
How URL links behave in messages
In a message, a URL link is formatted according to the recipient's preferences for how links appear in messages. Formatting does not take place until the message is sent.
The following is an example of a formatted URL link:
To activate a link before a message is sent (or any time the message is editable), click the link, then choose File > Open > Open Link.
To activate a link in a sent, uneditable message, click the link.
If you are linking to another server, the FirstClass Login form for that server opens.
How URL links behave in documents
In a document, the cursor changes to a hand when it is over a URL link.
To activate a link while the document is editable, click the link, then choose File > Open > Open Link.
To activate a link in a document that you cannot edit, click the link.
If you are linking to another server, the FirstClass Login form for that server opens.
Embedding markers
A marker can be embedded at any location in the content of a FirstClass object, and acts as a target for embedded links. Without a marker, a link to another object opens that object at the top. When the link points to a marker, the target object opens at the line containing the marker. You can also use markers to jump from one place to another within the same object.
Markers appear as icons that only authors can see; they are hidden from users who cannot edit the object.
You can embed a marker in two ways:
•       insert it and then give it a name
•       insert it before selected text that is used to name it.
To embed a marker and then name it
1       Click where you want to embed the marker.
This can be anywhere on a line.
2       Choose Edit > Insert > Insert Marker.
3       Type an identifying name for this marker at "Name".
To embed a prenamed marker
1       Select the text that you want to use as the marker name, at the location where you want the marker.
2       Choose Edit > Make Marker.
The marker is inserted before the selected text. This text is used as the default marker name.
Working with markers
You can do the following with markers:
•       rename them
•       list all markers that are in an object, and work with the markers from this list
•       move them
To move a marker to another location in this object, drag it.
•       delete them.
To delete a marker, select it, then choose Edit > Clear.
Renaming markers
To rename a marker:
1       Select the marker, then choose Format > Format Marker.
Double-click the marker.
2       Type the new name.
Listing markers
To list all markers in your message, choose Edit > List Markers. The list shows the names of your markers.
From the Marker List, you can select a marker, then:
•       select the marker in your message - click Show
•       rename the marker - click Rename.
When you are finished with this list, click Close.
Embedding links
An embedded link is a block of selected text or an embedded picture that readers can click to jump to the link target. Link text is formatted according to readers' content view preferences.
Links include icons that only authors can see; the icons are hidden from users who cannot edit the object.
To embed a link into your content, use one of the following methods:
•       drag a FirstClass object
•       drag a marker
•       drag a web site address
•       create a link directly.
Dragging FirstClass objects into content
To embed a link to another FirstClass object:
1       Display the target object unopened.
2       Drag the target to the desired location in your content.
A link icon is displayed, with the name of the target inserted as the link text.
3       Replace the link text with text of your choice, if desired.
Dragging markers into content
To embed a link that leads to a marker:
1       Shift-drag the marker to the desired location in your content.
You can drag markers from other objects, or from within the object you are working on.
A link icon is displayed, with placeholder link text.
2       Replace the link text with text of your choice.
Dragging web site addresses into content
To embed a link to a web site:
1       Display the target web page.
2       Drag the URL icon from the address bar in your web browser to the desired location in your content.
A link icon is displayed, with the name of the target inserted as the link text.
3       Replace the link text with text of your choice, if desired.
Creating links directly
You can create a link in two ways:
•       insert it and then type link text
•       insert it before selected text that becomes the link text.
To create a link and then type link text
1       Click where you want to embed the link.
This can be anywhere on a line.
2       Choose Edit > Insert > Insert Link.
3       Update the Format Link form.
If you want to link to a marker, you can leave "Target URL" blank and click OK, then drag the marker to the link icon. You can then reopen the form and update it if required.
To create a link with selected link text
1       Select the text (or embedded picture) that you want to use as a link.
2       Choose Edit > Make Link.
The link is inserted before the selected text.
Make Link is a toggle command.
3       Update the Format Link form.
Testing links
To test a link, use one of the following methods:
•       select the link icon, or click the link text or picture, then choose File > Open > Open Link
•       double-click the link icon, then click Test.
Working with links
You can do the following with links:
•       change their properties, including what they link to
•       list all links that are in an object, and work with the links from this list
•       delete them.
To delete a link, select the link icon, then choose Edit > Clear. Special formatting is removed from the link text.
Changing link properties
You can change the following properties for a link:
•       the target to which the link connects
•       the link text
•       the window in which the link opens.
To change properties for a link:
1       Select the link icon, then choose Format > Format Link.
Double-click the link icon.
2       Update the Format Link form.
Listing links
To list all links in your object, choose Edit > List Links. The list shows the link text for all your links.
From the Link List form, you can select a link, then:
•       select the link in your message - click Show
•       open the target - click Open
•       change link properties - click Edit.
When you are finished with this list, click Close.