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About object content
You can add, edit, and format content for FirstClass objects such as documents, messages, and calendar events and tasks.
This content is located in the body (the bottom section) of the object. It can consist of text, embedded pictures or other files, horizontal lines, page breaks, and links.
Typing content
To type content, click the body of the object, then start typing.
FirstClass saves your work at intervals as you type it. If, for example, there is a connection problem, such as a communications or power failure, while you are typing a message, your message as last saved will be preserved in your Mailbox as an unsent message.
Copying content from other sources
You can copy content from another message, document, or an external file created in another application in two ways:
•       copy the content to the clipboard and paste it into your new object as you normally do in your operating system
•       select the content, then Control-drag (Windows, Linux) or Option-drag (Mac OS, Mac OS X) it to your new object.
If you just drag content from an unsent message, a document which you are allowed to edit, or an external file, you will move it instead of copying it.
To control the format in which FirstClass pastes content:
1       Copy the content to the clipboard.
2       Click where you want to paste the content.
3       Choose Edit > Paste Special.
4       Choose the format you want.
Inserting horizontal lines
You can insert a horizontal line to visually break up content or to force content below the horizontal line to align with the left margin.
To insert a horizontal line, choose Edit > Insert > Insert Horizontal Line. A line is drawn below the current cursor position, and the cursor and any subsequent content drop below this line.
Inserting page breaks
To insert a page break, choose Edit > Insert > Insert Page Break.