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Form sections
Use this form to add an entry to the Directory and record other personal information. Only you will see this entry in the Directory list.
The person's name as you want it to appear in the Directory. This field is automatically filled in from the name information in the General section after you save. You can change what FirstClass puts in this field.
If you are a FirstClass Unified Communications user and you want to address messages using your phone, precede the person's name with a phone number. (Example, 9055554567 Bob Smith.) When you address the message by phone, enter 9055554567 when prompted for the "To" name and the message will be delivered as a voice attachment to his email address.
Reset button
Reverts all values back to what was last saved.
General section
Use this section to provide the person's full name and email address.
The person's first, middle, and last names, as well as the appropriate title, such as Mr. or Mrs. At "Title", choose a value at the first field or type a title in the second field. When you save this information, the "Name" field is automatically filled in.
The person's email address.
Any category that is useful to you.
Business section
Use this section to provide business information about the person.
Personal section
Use this section to provide personal information about the person.
Notes section
Use this section to add miscellaneous notes about the person.