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Form tabs
Use this form to create a calendar task.
Task tab
Use this tab to specify general information about the task.
The icon that represents this task. To change the icon, click it, then click the new icon in the popup list.
The task description as you want to see it on the calendar and in any reminders.
Starts at
The start date and time for the task, if applicable. If there is no specific start date, accept None. If there is a specific start date, click this field to open a popup calendar. To change months or years, click the browse arrows. To specify a time, choose or type it. To select the date, click it, then click OK, or click Today for today's date.
You can also hover your cursor over the displayed date and time to change values. When the cursor changes to a calendar, drag it up or down to change the date one day at a time. When the cursor changes to a clock, drag it up or down to change the time by 15-minute increments.
Due at
The due date and time for the task, if applicable. Click this field to open a popup calendar, then set the date and time as for "Starts at". If there is no specific due date, accept None.
Time zone
The time zone for the task start and due times. This overrides the default time zone set in your viewing preferences, allowing you to set tasks in different time zones.
The background color for this task on the calendar. You may want to color code certain tasks. For example, you could give all personal tasks a pink background.
The type of task. Choose a category or type your own, if desired.
Tasks with Normal sensitivity are seen by others viewing the calendar. Depending on calendar permissions, tasks with any other sensitivity may show only the time when viewed by others. With this exception, sensitivity works just as it does for messages.
If you change the priority to Urgent, the task appears in bold on the calendar, and is shown at the top of the tasks in the Today list.
Task state
The status of the task.
Completed on
Leave this field blank until the task is completed. When you are ready to change this field, click it to open a popup calendar, then set the date as for "Starts at". To revert to Not Yet Complete, click None.
You can also hover your cursor over the displayed date and drag to change the date, just as you can at "Starts at".
Reminders tab
Use this tab to generate reminders of the task before the start and due dates.
Generate reminders
Generates reminders of the task.
Time before start and due dates
How long before the start and due dates to generate reminders.
Choose a value or type your own. If you do not specify a unit, such as minutes or days, FirstClass assumes hours.