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About résumés
FirstClass provides every user with a résumé, which is a special form designed to contain personal information. Other users can open this form if they want to see information about you. Your résumé is blank until you update it.
In addition, conferences and calendars can have résumés to provide information about them.
Updating your résumé
To add personal information to your résumé:
1       Choose File > Open > Résumé.
2       Update the Résumé form.
For ideas about what to write, look at other users' résumés.
Your changes are saved automatically when you close this form.
Viewing others' résumés
To view another user's, a conference's, or a calendar's résumé:
1       Select the appropriate name in:
•       the Directory
•       a Who's Online list
•       the "To", "Cc", or "Bcc" fields of a message
•       the "Participants" list in a chat window.
2       Choose File > Open > Résumé.
Double-click the name. If you have permission to see other users' information forms, you may see these forms instead of their résumés when you double-click names.