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Form tabs
Use this form to create a calendar event.
Event tab
Use this tab to specify general information about the event.
The icon that represents this event. To change the icon, click it, then click the new icon in the popup list.
The event description as you want to see it on the calendar and in any reminders.
Starts at
The start date and time for the event. Click this field to open a popup calendar. To change months or years, click the browse arrows. To specify a time, choose or type it. To select the date, click it, then click OK, or click Today for today's date.
This prefills "Ends at" based on the "Duration" value. You can change either "Duration" or "Ends at", and the change will be reflected in the other field.
You can also hover your cursor over the displayed date and time to change values. When the cursor changes to a calendar, drag it up or down to change the date one day at a time. When the cursor changes to a clock, drag it up or down to change the time by 15-minute increments.
Ends at
The end date and time for the event. Click this field to open a popup calendar, then set the date and time as for "Starts at".
Time zone
The time zone for the event start and end times. This overrides the default time zone set in your viewing preferences, allowing you to schedule events in different time zones.
The length of time the event is scheduled to last, based on your start and end times. You can change this by choosing a value or typing your own. If you do not specify a unit, such as minutes or days, FirstClass assumes hours. If you change the duration, the end time changes.
The location for the event. This field is for display purposes only. To book a location that is in the Directory, use the Scheduling - Resources tab.
The background color for this event on the calendar. You may want to color code certain events. For example, you could give all meetings a blue background.
The type of event. Choose a category or type your own, if desired.
Show time as
Your level of availability for other commitments during this event. If you choose Busy, then schedule another event at the same time, a red bar to the left of the affected events indicates that you have a time conflict.
To create an event for information purposes only, that does not generate conflicts, choose Free.
Events with Normal sensitivity are seen by others viewing the calendar. Depending on calendar permissions, events with any other sensitivity may show only the time when viewed by others. With this exception, sensitivity works just as it does for messages.
Scheduling tab
Use this tab to invite participants and book resources. You can reschedule the event using this tab.
This tab, plus the Participants and Resources subtabs, include bars which indicate availability, the time period of the event, and any conflicts. The following codes provide this information:
•       blue - the time period covered by the event
•       solid black - a time period during which a participant or resource is busy
•       solid red - a scheduling conflict between the event and a busy time for a participant or resource
•       black slashes - you do not have permission to see this participant's busy times
•       red slashes - you cannot invite this participant.
Event date
The date for which FirstClass will check availability. You can change this date by clicking the arrows, or by clicking the field to open a popup calendar.
Event time
Indicates the time period covered by the event. This bar also combines all information about the availability of your participants and resources, and includes your own busy times.
You can reschedule the event by clicking this bar at the new start time. To change the event duration, Shift-click the new end time.
To make FirstClass search for the next free time slot for all participants and resources, click Next Free Time. FirstClass will take into account your default event times as specified in your calendaring preferences, but not the default event times of your participants. It will simply search your participants' calendars for blocks of free time.
Participants tab
Any users that you want to invite to this event. Add users or mail lists just as you would when addressing a message. A bar beside each participant indicates that participant's availability.
Ask participants to respond
Prompts participants to indicate if they will attend. Participants will see Accept and Decline buttons on the event form.
For existing events:
11802_124856_1.pngbeside a participant indicates that the participant has accepted the event

11802_124941_2.pngbeside a participant indicates that the participant has declined the event.

Resources tab
Any resources or locations that you want to book for this event. Resources and locations must be in the Directory. Enter their names just as you would address a message. When you book a resource or location, that object's calendar is automatically updated.
Resources and locations have bars indicating their availability, just like participants.
Repeat tab
Use this tab to make the event show up repeatedly on calendars.
Repeat interval
When this event will be repeated. Repeated events are shown on all appropriate days on the calendar.
Repeat until
The last date to repeat this event. Click this field to open a popup calendar, click the final date, then click OK.
Reminders tab
Use this tab to generate event reminders.
Who to remind:
•       None - does not generate any reminders
•       Remind me - only generates a reminder for yourself
•       Remind all participants - generates reminders for all participants.
Time before event
How long before the event to generate reminders. Choose a value or type your own. If you do not specify a unit, such as minutes or days, FirstClass assumes hours.