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About address books
Your address book stores:
•       personal email addresses
You can store addresses and other personal information for anyone you contact using FirstClass. Your personal addresses can be people who are not currently registered with your server, or people who are registered, but whom you want to access in a different way, for example by nickname.
•       personal mail lists.
Mail lists let you send messages to predefined groups of recipients.
We recommend that you consider creating a conference rather than a mail list, if all the recipients would have access to your conference.
When you add personal addresses and mail lists to your address book, they are added to your personal view of the Directory.
If you do not have the address book feature, you can still store personal addresses in your address book purely for reference. These addresses are not added to the Directory.
To open your address book, choose File > Open > Address Book.
Do not move your address book off your Desktop, or it will no longer work. If you inadvertently move your address book off your Desktop, you can move it back, and it will work again.
You can open address book entries to update them.
Adding personal addresses
To add a personal address to your address book:
1       Choose File > New > New Address.
If the address you want is in a FirstClass message or document, select the address, then choose Collaborate > Add to Address Book. This prefills some of the personal address information.
2       Update the New Personal Address form.
Importing personal addresses
You can import into FirstClass entries from the address books of other applications, such as Outlook Express, which support comma, tab, or semicolon delimited data. You can even import entries into a spreadsheet program first, in order to generate comma, tab, or semicolon delimited data.
To prepare entries for import
1       Open the address book in the other application.
2       Save the fields that you want to export as a comma, tab, or semicolon delimited text file with an extension of .csv.
To import entries into FirstClass' address book
3       Start FirstClass.
4       Choose File > Import > Import Address Book.
5       Select the .csv file and click Open.
FirstClass displays the fields in the .csv file, and the FirstClass fields to which they will map.
6       Change field mappings, if required, by choosing new FirstClass fields from the dropdown fields.
The new address book entries appear in your FirstClass address book. For each entry, the Notes tab contains the data from the .csv file for that entry. This preserves the data in case there has been a problem with the import.
About mail lists
If you routinely send mail to the same group of users, you can create a mail list that contains these users. When you send a message addressed to the mail list, all users in the mail list receive the message.
Creating mail lists
To add a mail list to your address book:
1       Choose File > New > New Mail List.
2       Update the New Personal Mail List form.