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Opening objects
To open a FirstClass object, click it.
Selecting objects
To select an object, select the checkbox beside it. You can select multiple objects this way.
Your administrator may have set up FirstClass so that you can select objects by clicking them, open them by double-clicking them, and drag them. This help does not document this alternative setup.
Creating objects
On many pages, you will see a new object field:

To create a new object, choose the object type at this field, then click New.
Some pages do not show the new object field. Instead, there are menu items for creating the new objects that are appropriate for the current page. This online help documents the new object field. If you are at a page without this field, click the appropriate menu item instead, or go to a page that contains the new object field.
Moving objects
You can move objects to subcontainers or up one level from the objects' current locations.
To move an object:
1 Select the object.
2 Choose the new location at "Destination".
3 Click Move.
If you cannot move an object
If you cannot move an object, your administrator may not have given you permission to move objects, or the object may be protected.
Renaming objects
To rename an object:
1 Select the object.
2 Click Rename.
3 Type the new name.
Deleting objects
To delete an object, select it, then click Delete.
When you delete an object, that object is marked for deletion, but is not immediately removed from the server. FirstClass physically removes deleted objects when it collects the trash. Your administrator schedules trash collection times.
If you need to delete a message that you sent to several conferences, go to your Mailbox and unsend the message, then delete it. If you do not unsend the message first, you will have to delete it from every location to which you sent it. In addition, you may not have permission to delete it from all conferences.
Restoring deleted objects
Before the next trash collection occurs, you can restore a deleted object. To do this:
1 Open the container where the deleted object was located.
2 Click Show Deleted Items.
All deleted objects that have not yet been removed during trash collection are displayed, with Delete icons beside them.
You cannot open an object that is marked for deletion.
3 Select the object you want to restore.
4 Click Undelete or the Delete icon beside the object.
When you have finished restoring deleted objects, you can hide the objects that are still marked for deletion by clicking Hide Deleted Items.
Searching for objects
You can search containers and external folders or drives for items that contain specific text. To do this:
1 Open the container you want to search.
2 Click Search.
3 Fill in the Search form.
Keep in mind that the more narrowly you focus the search, the more relevant the search results are likely to be.
As items are found, they are listed in the search summary. You can open items from the summary.
Printing objects
To print an object, use your web browser's standard print feature.
If you want to strip out extra formatting, banners, and so on, to make the object print faster, first click Print, then use your web browser's standard print feature.